Do you know that you can survive without food for a month, survive without water several days, but survive without air for only a few minutes? This goes to show that air is the most significant basic need that humans must have. Fresh air purifiers are crucial to man’s existence because the atmosphere is composed of several unwanted gases like hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, helium, argon, carbon dioxide, and other minor gases.

Exchange of Gases
Fresh air purifiers ensure that we breathe only clean oxygen. Since we need only oxygen, our lungs are designed to have a lower oxygen pressure inside than outside. This allows oxygen to enter the lungs through passive diffusion. In the case of carbon dioxide, the atmospheric pressure of the substance is lower than that inside the lungs so it diffuses outwards and not inwards. Carbon dioxide has to flow from a higher pressure to a lower pressured area. There are harmful components though, like microbes and chemicals, that go along with the oxygen that we inhale.

When the environment was still unpolluted and oxygen abounded, there were fewer cases of Upper Respiratory Tract Infections or URTI, even without fresh air purifiers. Nowadays, though, the air that you breathe is loaded with air toxins, harmful chemicals and pollutants and you will suffocate unless you use fresh air purifiers to clean the air that you breathe.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5041610